Merrylands Youth Centre

September School Holiday Program

We will be opening during the school holidays and running different activities throughout the 2 weeks. All activities are inhouse and FREE of charge.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or stay updated with us by following our socials! FB: Merrylands Youth Centre and Instagram: merrylandsyouthcentre2160.


How we help

Merrylands Youth Centre (MYC) offers various resources and services to young people aged 12-24 years, living in the Cumberland Council LGA.

MYC has held numerous arts, cultural and community events and provides young people with a place to socialise, develop new skills and seek assistance in a number of different forms including academic, employment, basic needs, information or referral.

MYC encourages all young people from diverse cultural backgrounds and social groups to access the centre.

Get in Touch!

Find out how to connect with the Merrylands Youth Centre

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